Last month, Christopher Cooke, of 3LM, went to Brussels to accept an award on behalf of the Africa Centre for Holistic Management. The European Landowners’ Organization (ELO) bestowed, “The Land and Soil Management Diploma of Recognition.”
The purpose of the ELO Soil Award is to, “reward land use and soil management practices mitigating soil threats, i.e. soil degradation, erosion, reduction of organic matter content, diffuse contamination, and compaction as well as the reduction of soil biodiversity, salinization, sealing, flooding and landslides.”
The Soil Award is given to European organisations, but the ELO wanted to call special attention to Allan Savory’s work in Holistic Management, and bestowed this additional diploma of recognition. Allan was a keynote speaker at last year’s ELO conference, the Forum for the Future of Agriculture.
Trond Ivar Qvale, of the Savory Network Nordic Hub, also attended the event. Christopher and Trond represented the Savory Network in order to help raise the profile of Holistic Management on the European continent.
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