This whole system approach to resource management gives you tools to improve profitability, regenerate soil, increase quality of life, and increase biodiversity by working with nature.
Relevant for farming, conservation, business, government, NGO's, consumers.
Tangible Outcomes
Regenerate soil.
Increase profits and yields.
Increase biodiversity.
Reduce stress.
Mitigate flood, drought and climate change.
Learning Outcomes
Learn the fundamental building blocks of Holistic Management.
Develop a Holistic Context to guide your decisions and actions.
Gain practical experience with the holistic decision-making process.
By following this simple-to-use, cash-based planning process, you can increase your profit, whilst improving quality of life and land health and productivity.
There will be much that applies to your situation, no matter what your business or occupation.
By adopting good grazing practices, you can increase grass productivity, profits, stocking rates, and crop yields; improve livestock health; increase biodiversity; and even mitigate flood, drought, and climate change.
Manage livestock grazing so that animals stay healthy and productive whilst increasing the biological capital that will sustain your livelihood for generations to come. Good grazing increases plant density and biodiversity, whilst eliminating the need for costly inputs.
Learning Outcomes
Develop a grazing plan for your farm that takes into account the many variables that are commonly left out of grazing planning, such as: erratic weather, different types or classes of livestock, grazing through croplands, orchards, vineyards, wildlife needs, and family needs (such as holidays), and much more.
When you change your management, how do you know if you are moving in the right direction? Learning to monitor the land for the earliest signs of change enables you to quickly adapt your management.
This capstone course integrates the previous courses and enables you to create a long-term infrastructure development plan to generate enduring wealth from the land.
Consider new fencing layouts that minimize the number of water points required and that give us much greater flexibility in our grazing planning and more options for improving animal performance. Anticipate the facilities needed as animal numbers and herd sizes increase, and thus avoid costly redesigns in the future.
Learning Outcomes
Learn the Holistic Land Planning process by working through an example provided by the educator, or by developing their own holistic land plan.
Learn to see the world the way a cow does, so you can be safe and stress-free in handling them.
Educator Miriam Parker was trained by the originators, Bud Williams and Temple Grandin, and was awarded an MBE for services in farming in 2006.
Tangible Outcomes
The course involves classroom sessions, as well as outdoor exercises with livestock. For this reason, the course can only be offered during warmer weather, with a maximum of 12 participants. This 5 minute video, An introduction to cattle handling systems with Miriam Parker, introduces you to the topic.
Learning Outcomes
Being a Cow: natural cattle behaviour.
Cows & the Unfamiliar: Examine how to work with the animal’s natural behaviour.
Find the flight zone: identify behaviour when 'pressure' is applied.
Market Facilities: keys to handling system design.
Our training is accredited by the Savory Institute
Become accredited by the
Savory Institute
after you complete Holistic Management training and pass an exit review.
You will have the best experience with a computer, headset, and good internet connection. You can use a tablet or smartphone if necessary. You will be sent login instructions upon registration.
What's included in the price?
In-person courses include lunches, tea breaks, and all course materials.
Online courses include course materials delivered in PDF form for you to print locally.
How do I know if I meet the prerequisites?
Holistic Management Fundamentals contains the building blocks and therefore is a prerequisite for all other Holistic Management courses. The Fundamentals can be taken from 3LM online, in-person, or through Savory Institute's self-study course. If you have taken the Fundamentals some another way, please contact 3LM, using the form below, to find out if it qualifies.