It is common to bump into a Social Weak Link on the implementation of Holistic Management. Very often there is one decision-maker who is gung-ho about taking onboard Holistic Management whilst others want to stick to tried and true ways. The urgent question becomes, 'How do you take others along with you willingly vs. kicking and screaming all the way?'
Your stance, or how you think and perceive life, really matters. We have the best chance of success if we create the life conditions for people to change, and then support them as they choose to change, or not.
It's a lot like creating the life conditions for grass. It's easier to use well-managed livestock to create the life conditions for grass than it is to use chemical inputs and machinery to force grass to grow.
The long term study of the deeper dynamics of human change goes back to the late 1940’s. The overall body of knowledge is known as Integral Theory. The theory helps us to identify patterns of thinking and readiness for change in ourselves and others. It also offers the principles of human change which enable us to make wise choices in what we say and do to influence others.
In January 2021, Christopher Cooke is leading an 8-week programme that outlines a profound understanding of the deeper dynamics of human change. The programme, known as Stance Matters, provides a robust understanding of the fundamentals of Human Emergence and the deeper dynamics of how we change and grow.
If you are curious about how to influence your family, your staff, your customers, suppliers, society at large, this programme gives you the foundational concepts essential to creating healthy life conditions for change to emerge.
Future-proof by growing your capacity to handle complexity.
Tuesdays, 12 January -- 2 March 2021, 6:30 -- 9:45 PM, UK
Book a free session with Christopher Cooke to get answers to your questions.
Address 14 Beech Hill, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 3AX, UK
Telephone +44 113 467 5164